So I'm writing this about a week and a half to 2 weeks before we'll actually publish it, but its better to get it ready and make sure that I'm positive it's how I want to post it. Skyler and I were able to celebrate our 2nd anniversary on Monday August 16th, me and my mom (Skyler had work early so he could be home early for dinner) were able to go to the doctors and hear the most beautiful reassuring sound ever, we got to hear our baby's heartbeat! That's right we're pregnant! After a year and a half of trying and a couple months to make sure everything is going well, it is finally safe to say we are just over 3 pregnant and are so EXTREMELY EXCITED to meet our sweet little blessing, who is due to be here March 12th! ** Also as a little side note, yesterday Aug 30th, we went and heard the heart beat again!**
**I'm not sure how many people actually care about the whole pregnancy thing but I'm going to let everyone know how it's been, even if I'm the only one that looks back at this. First off, as mentioned before, we are ABSOLUTELY THRILLED, though we do have to mention that it hasn't been the easiest last few months, if anyone knows about my moms pregnancies well they were ridiculous! She was so sick ALL the time, well lucky for me I've been so sick ALL the time too, (which is a big blessing, our Dr. said "usually when you see a mom that's having such a hard time, you will see a baby that is doing wonderfully." and ours is!). Thank goodness they were able to give me a medication (Zofran) that seems to be helping me a ton. Oh and I've finally been promoted to the every 4 week appointments instead of the every other week appointments!!**
Also, Skyler got a job! He's working out in Orem, (all good computer jobs are out that way) and we're planning on moving down that way in about a year and a half to 2 years. (I know its a while away but we're planning early, especially with the baby coming we want to make sure we have things planned really well.) BUT we're only planning on moving down there if that is where the jobs are still, of course.
There is SO SO SO MUCH going on in my family right now, new baby here on our end, and Steven is moving to Texas. Okay so maybe it's only 2 things but they are huge life changing things going on!