Any day now I will become a mom...

Skyler will become a dad...

and of course Scout a big puppy brother :)

(cheesy and strange I know, but I definitely love the little guy)
Yesterday I stayed busy, Skyler & I rearranged our living room, went shopping for new furniture and just cleaned. It was able to get some contractions going last night, and even a few so far today, I'm hoping once my lazy butt gets up and starts getting ready for the day and goes out shopping again that they'll pick up. I can't wait to see my little girl. To put bows on her head, put her in cute little dresses and adorable outfits. To have her blessed, and sealed to our family.To be able to kiss and hold her little hands and feet :) I can't wait. Every day I feel more prepared for her, every day she's putting on more weight and she's protected inside, getting stronger.