2 Month Check Up

Abigail at your 2 month check up:
You weigh 10 lbs 2.5 oz (43%)
You are 22.5" long (68%)
You smile at mom & grandma knowingly
You smile & laugh in your sleep all the time (some nights you keep mom up with your giggling)
You are starting to talk I love it. We talk to each other when you're awake.
You think it's time to sleep when I put you on your tummy.
You sleep through the night (you started this at 5 weeks exactly 4/16)
You still have the baby blue grey eyes.
You love to be out in the sun, though we've only had a few sunny days where we've been able to take you out for a few minutes.
You love to talk to your "friend" (the ceiling fan), whether he be in our living room, our bedroom or grandma's living room.
You slept in your bassinet 1 whole night, and 4 hours the night before, then you got shots so mom just kept you in bed with her.
Speaking of shots, you did wonderful, you were wide awake, and fussy because it was nap time and you needed a snack. So you turned bright red and cried but as soon as mom picked you up you stopped. You also were happy right after too, you slept a through your evening play time but you're moving your leg yourself and seem perfectly fine.
Oh and when you're mad you say "uh gee!" I love it. That's how I know you're not just doing your I need attention and some lovin' squawking.