Friday, April 9, 2010

Another Month

So its another month since our last post! Let's get to the quick Summers' Update!!

Sara got a new job working in a home daycare and she loves it! She works Tuesdays & Thursdays right now until tax season is over then she'll work Mon-Fri. It's perfect hours and it gets her out of the house and out with people, well children but still she's not alone anymore.

Skyler ended up losing his job April 2nd, a month earlier then we had originally expected but oh well! For everything that happens there is a reason behind it. We're looking for the reason right now. Keep your fingers crossed that we'll find something quickly.

Cadin is growing up so fast, he's talking more and more, its so nice to have a little one in our house. He keeps it lively. We'll have to post some pictures of him.

Sara had her birthday on Easter Sunday, it was nice to visit for a bit with both families. She got a sewing machine and can't wait to start sewing!

Skyler is getting  closer to the end of school they're estimating that he'll be done Dec 3rd. Exciting!

How is everyone else's families doing?! Love to hear from you!

Skyler & Sara
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