Thursday, October 28, 2010

Update time again!

We're back for another update! First things first! Baby Summers is a little girl! We were able to go into our 20 week anatomy scan and watch her relax for half an hour! I haven't felt her move yet, well haven't distinctly I'm sure she moves around at night, I randomly wake up quite often, so to see her just laying back with one hand on her head and the other on her belly with her legs crossed made us both think she just likes to relax! She's measuring a bit small compared to her first measurements, but still within the week range we were given. She's  12 oz and has a beautiful little set of bones in her! We do have a name already picked out and have just known it was meant to be for our daughter, we're still debating on telling people her name but I'm sure as nursery pictures get posted people will quickly notice her name! 

Speaking of the nursery, I can't wait to get started on it! We already have a crib, and dresser picked out just need to actually buy it, which will be soon! I do need to find some bedding though, that seems to be the hardest for me to decide on. I want to see it in person, make sure it looks and feels right for our little girl, but I know I can find some amazing deals online! Like our crib sells for over $300 and I found it online for $185! YES! I love bargain shopping! 

In other news, Skyler had his birthday this past Tuesday, and is the big 25! We had family over for some cupcakes! Lisa's birthday was yesterday, went to Red Robin and I made her a waffle cake! Today of course was our big ultrasound, and Steven came home! He took Skyler & I out to dinner as a congratulatory dinner! It was wonderful! 

Life is going by so fast right now, I can't even keep the days straight most of the time! That's all I can remember for right now update wise, but I'm sure in the middle of the night I'll think of more things and I'll be of course posting pictures soon! 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Start of October

I decided that I better post something here before I scream! If you have a problem with me or Skyler not telling you we were pregnant right away you can just go away. I am sick of hearing stupid comments from people, or getting the "why didn't you tell us sooner" look. It was our decision to tell people when we were ready, and some people still haven't been told but will after we find out the gender of Baby Summers. If you found out from someone else and are still waiting to hear it from us you'll get to hear it soon. I just don't think it's right to go posting it to every single person right away, I don't need to pee on a test and then post it to facebook, I tell certain people things are certain times, there are people that I wanted to tell sooner and those we wanted to wait to tell. Now this is not how everyone has reacted, majority of the comments we got after first posting and people slowly finding out were wonderful and we're extremely grateful to have such kind understanding people in our lives!

Now moving on, life is wonderful here on our end, hope it is going just as well for you! Skyler absolutely loves his new job and they love him! Army is still there and he's still gone 1 weekend a month which is now dedicated to girls night!  We had one Oct. 2nd and it was wonderful! All but 1 sister (Lisa) was there, my Aunt Carole, B (Steven's girlfriend) and my friend Bethany came! We did the best things, we ate gave Rachel and Carole facials and dipped our hands in wax. Perfect beauty night. Oh I forgot we had one adorable little man there also, Cadin!

Mom's birthday was last weekend, and we had pizza, hot wings and played Apples to Apples, which is a wonderful game to play with my family! Can't wait for us to get together again and play! I was able to decorate a cake for her, though this one does not look pretty I still have to post it for memories.

I had help from a very adorable 2 yr old when it came to decorating, we did our best.

Steven is in Texas this is going to be his fourth week there (hopefully he is able to come home after week 6), and on the days he is supposed to get Cadin, I get him! It's been absolutely wonderful! I now know Elmo's Adventures in Grouch Land very very well.

We were able to attend our friend Paul's wedding Oct. 1st  and were able to take Cadin with us, he enjoyed the luncheon most where he ate cheese and tomatoes, I have some really cute pictures of him waiting patiently while Skyler dished up his cheese and tomatoes. I didn't get any pictures of Skyler & I, wish I would have but we have forever to take pictures together missing a couple is okay.

Skyler & I have an official date for finding out the gender of Baby Summers, which is in the last week of October, which works out perfectly with Skyler's birthday the 26th, Lisa's the 27th and Halloween right after. Can't wait to give this little one a name! I'm finally  slowly but surely starting to feel better, I have been able to go a day with out taking a stomach pill till right before bed. I haven't been able to ever do that. Hopefully things are finally looking up! 

This is a belly picture from yesterday (Oct 12), just half way through 18 weeks! I'm finally starting to show, but to get good pictures like this one I have to eat and move around for a while then it really sticks out! 

More good news! My cousin Sammi and her husband are expecting their first baby! Baby Clemens will be here in June! Its crazy how things happen. My birthday is in April and Sammi's is in July, and Baby Summer's is due in March and Baby Clemens in June, they'll be about the same bit apart as we are! I'm so happy for Sammi & Alex. Skyler and I are hoping that we can get to know them a lot better now that we have more things in common! 

And just a few more pictures for memories.
 His silly glasses! 
  He loves grapes!
 Smiling at the kids with the stolen gum!
 Cadin stole some gum from my purse and though it was funny to run to the corner.
Cadin in my Sunday School Class again.

Cadin in nursery with Grandpa! Grandpa said he loved the little snacks, and that he loved being in nursery as long as Grandpa was in there.
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