Tuesday, January 12, 2010


So lately, I've gotten into a major cleaning obsession phase in my life. Everything just appears so dirty and out of place, it's driving me insane! Yesterday I got my bucket of water and Pine-sol 

                       and got scrubbing on my bathroom floor, and I swear it's still dirty. I finally got myself to stop cleaning today... It only took forever! Now I'm just on to doing homework. Which I can't help but try and get ahead in my classes so I don't have to worry about things until exams come up, which happen very rarely.
So we found out my sister-in-law is pregnant. Before I continue I should say in the end I am very very happy for them, they have been trying for a year and it's great it finally happened. 

But now to the feelings I think I have. I cannot at all stand the fact that they are pregnant and we're not!!!! We've been trying for 12 months now... yes I did take Depo and I do know that it can take a while for it to get out of your system. blasted thing. 

I've gone to a nut case of a health doctor to cure me of all the problems, and yes he did help me lose like 15 lbs but it's not enough! (I was 137 or so when I got married and got up to 160! holy crap! That was gross and I could not get it off... but that's because of the depo burying into my fat and not wanting to leave.) So I end up losing weight thinking we'd get pregnant and no! Not a chance... so now it's been 15 months after my last depo shot (thank goodness I only took 3) and I'm down to like 136 or so and feeling great... but guess who decided to start randomly out of place... ya... I won't even say cause if you're a girl you just know. 
I just freakin' want it to happen already! I've got my nursery painted a nice color, have a crib on it's way.... and am currently looking for the rest of the furniture and decorative pieces i want for the room. I feel like its too much to ask... WHY DO THEY GET ONE AND I DON"T!? They already have one... oh well....

School is crazy.... I'm taking 4 classes... why....to stay busy. I choose to clean over homework though, cleaning keeps me sane, lets me get all my frustration and anger and hurt out I guess. Skyler always hates when I clean and won't tell him what's wrong... It's a girl thing I guess.
Anyway enough for now... 
p.s. I'm currently working on a 2009 little newsletter thing like my friend April did, I'm just looking for pictures to finish it....

Take Care!!!

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