Saturday, January 15, 2011

15 day update.

Guess it's time for a quick family update, as we are half way through January now. I should get better with blogging for the time being. 

The past 15 days of the new year have been a whirl wind. On the first Skyler and I started our 10 week countdown to our little princess coming. Only to be met with the fact that she'll be here sooner than that. We ended up in good old Labor & Delivery on the 4th, and are now dealing with me being on bed rest for what looks like a total of 7 weeks, that is if my body decides to cooperate and hold little miss in till then. We have officially reached the 8 month mark. We're not too far off from her due date to begin with so bump sped time up more. 

Skyler is getting closer to finishing up his degree, he has 4 more classes left. Only a month and a half and he's done. 

Skyler and I got bumped down to teaching CTR 4, I was able to teach one class and he is on his own now till I get the okay from the Doc. The kids are rambunctious to say the least. There are 9 of them and they are a handful! But we know that this class is going to be a blessing, somehow, though we don't see it now. We are a couple weeks closer to going through the temple. It should have been this month, but with the way life is nothing ever happens when you think it will. We are more than excited to get closer and closer to this. 

I think that is about all for the last 15 days, it's sure felt like a lot, but as I've been typing I've realized it isn't that much. Figures right? 

Hope things are well with everyone. 

1 comment:

  1. Let us know when you go through the temple. We want to come.


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